Monday, September 26, 2016

The Domino Effect

As a top risk analyst at one of the biggest banking organizations in America, Esther Larson works daily with financial numbers and assesses risk. She is beginning to see something that looks very dangerous, and is struggling with a course of action.  As the markets begin to unravel she begins to talk about what she is seeing and engages some top financiers and friends.  This is the plot of Davis Bunn's newest novel. 
Of course, there is a lot more to it than that, but that is the meat of it.  The characters have very real personalities and struggles, which gives the story a good feel of reality. That is also the scary part of this novel. What the author writes could certainly happen to the stock market and would set off a real panic.  As Esther struggles with the reality of what is happening, she begins to fear for her life.  There are people who do not want her to go public with this information and they will stop at nothing to silence her.
This is my fifth Davis Bunn novel.  I have been moved, scared and convicted by the other four.  They have all been thought provoking and left me very satisfied.  This one was almost as good, but not quite.  It is well written and absorbing.  The middle of the book has a lot of financial explantion which Esther is giving her friends as she talks to them about what is taking place and that lost me a little.  I had to lay it down for a bit.  I was disappointed that Bunn did not include deep faith in the characters persona as he has in the other books of his that I have read.  I know this is a different type of story and not entirely about personal faith and seeing God work in the lives of the characters, but I enjoy that piece of the story too. He does have an excellent ability to write in various genres and make all of them read well.  I loved his Marc Royce series which was fast paced, scary and also well written, as this book was.  The Domino Effect was a good book, but not my favorite Davis Bunn book.  If you have an interest and some knowledge of the stock market and the global economy, you will love this book. I enjoyed it.  It was good but not exactly my cup of tea.  Excellent writing, grammer, sentence structure, as always.  I will still read Davis' books!  You can read more about this book at Bethany House and more about this author at Davis Bunn Facebook
I give The Domino Effect four stars and suggest you get a copy and give it a read!  
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher, Bethany House, in exchange for an honest review.  These words are my opinion.
Thanks so much for being here!

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