Carol Myrick has truly been tested and refined. God has a way of doing that when you seek Him out for total dependence on His strength. She was a typical mid-western young woman at a large University during the time the story she relates to us took place. She tells of meeting a man she fell in love with, and continued to love for many years, even through the nightmare of domestic abuse. This is her life simply and beautifully written much as she would tell you if you were sitting down to have coffee with her. The beginning of what would eventually be her Escape Under a Kenyan Moon was really in 1976, when she met her future husband. Carol writes with a clarity and completeness that can only come from personal experience. She met and fell in love with Otieno Habembe while they were students at O.S.U. Otieno came from Sigulu Island, a small primitive island in Lake Victoria in East Africa. He was given a UN scholarship to come to America to study and obtain a degree, which he did in Food Science and Nutrition. She married him causing a rift between her and her family. They moved to Africa and he accepted a job at Kenya Canners, a company owned by DelMonte. All was well for a time and then his growing dissatisfaction eventually evolved into physical abuse of Carol. She continued to love him and hope that he would not release his temper on her. She realized, through the candid and loving declarations from close friends, that she must leave or she would lose her life. She began to pray and God began to work. Through a series of truly miraculous events, her friends, an American couple who were missionaries, helped her obtain all necessary paperwork to leave the country in an unbeliveable 48 hours, and this was no easy task! Only with God's divine intervention was she able to take her children and board a plane to come back home. Her flight from Africa came in March of 1982. This is a heart-wrenching account of heartbreak and hope, of despair and miracles. Escape Under the Kenyan Moon is easy to read and written with everything necessary to complete the story for the reader, making it a truly good book. I wholly recommend you pick this up and read it. I give Escape Under the Kenyan Moon five stars!
Visit Carol at her website
Carol Myrick
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