This is exactly what we need and Dr. Evans book gives much to work with toward Christians uniting to ask that forgiveness and receiving healing for our land. He does an excellent job of pointing out that the church has lost it's saltiness and no longer has the influence in America that it once had. We have given up trying in many instances. He also includes specific resources for churches to utilize in becoming united for the cause of serving a suffering world and regaining our influence. He tells of spending an afternoon with Billy Graham and during their talk "...Dr. Graham leaned toward me in his chair and voiced his frustrations on how churches would come together for the sake of evangelism but then go back to their own disconnected corners after his event had ended. If these churches were kingdom minded, he postulated, their collective impact in the community would have been ongoing." pp.139. Pointing out that Christians are best and most effective when united, not when sitting in their own corners.
There is much to read in this book about uniting across church boundaries to be effective once again in our country. I especially appreciated the background and history he gave of how the Israelites ended up where they were when God gave that word to Solomon and how that is relevant to us today.
This book is easy to read and I commend Dr. Evans for tackling a huge and important topic and laying it out in simple terms. We tend to think if the answer is not complex, then it can't be the right answer. But, is that not exactly what we are called to? Childlike faith with heartfelt prayer is what we are called to.
This is a very good read and I highly recommend it. In fact, I give America five stars!
Look for it's release from Moody in January 2015.
I was given a complementary e-book copy of this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review. These words are my opinion.
Read more at the link I have included below.
America Turning a Nation to God

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