Tuesday, December 9, 2014

David and Bathsheba

Roberta Kells Dorr wrote this timeless story of two of God's people, one a king and one a commoner, as the passionate emotional ride that it surely was.  She takes us on the intense life voyage of King David and Bathsheba, who shared a love born out of mutual attraction but fulfilled in sin.  I love to read fiction taken from the Bible and fleshed out with what may have been the circumstances surrounding a story.  I like to read about the culture of the time when the story was taking place.  What I love most is that these stories are history, written down in God's word.  I appreciate that she wrote this book in several distinct parts, detailing the events from each of the main characters perspective.  She begins the book with Bathsheba's grandfather Ahithophel, who raised her.  Knowing the history of the characters coming together and how they arrived at the same place at the same time is engaging.  Add to that the knowledge that this is God's story and His will is always accomplished makes the book come alive as you see Him work in both their lives. Most moving for me was the point when David realized his wrongdoing to others were sins were against God and he needed His forgiveness.  In joy with the realization that God did not intend for him to carry his guilt forever and had made a way for David to be forgiven and his sins atoned, he prayed what we know as Psalm 51,
Purge me with hyssop, Lord, that I may be clean;
Wash me that I may be whiter than snow.
Rescue me from blood-guiltiness, O God.
Create in me a clean heart
And renew a right spirit within me.

This book is a well written retelling of a powerful time in our history as Christians.  It is engaging and easy to read, yet has the depth that holds the readers attention.  I give David and Bathsheba five stars!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher, River North, a division of Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.  These words are my opinion.
Read more about the author at Roberta Kells Dorr or Moody Publishers.


  1. I'm so happy to have found your blog! I am forever trying to find good books to read! The best books I have ever read were recommended. I've tried the grabbing some that looked good off the shelf technique..but that doesn't usually work out well. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. I look forward to checking out all your reviews. :-)

    1. Patti, so happy you found my blog too and hope you find some good reads here! Thanks for visiting.
